Donate to PEISO

Sponsor a Musician +

Through our Sponsor-a-Musician program, you can sponsor a particular member of our ensemble and see your money at work at our concerts. You will have the opportunity to meet your sponsored player at a reception after one of our concerts, you will be credited in our program, and you will receive an official tax receipt. Our sponsorship rates are as follows:

Music Director: $10,000
Concertmaster: $5,000
Section Chair: $1,000
Adult Musician: $800
Student Musician: $500

Become an Individual Donor +

The PEISO has a number of donor categories:

Benefactor ($1,000 and over)
Patron ($500 – $999)
Donor ($100-$499)
Friend ($25-$99)*
Sustaining Supporter ($10 or more)*
*All donations are recognized in our concert program guide.

Become a Concert Sponsor or Corporate Benefactor +

The PEISO has a special relationship with its foundation and corporate supporters. Among other benefits, Concert Sponsors and Corporate Benefactors receive recognition in all our promotional materials posters and brochures, concert programs, web site and in the introductory comments made prior to each performance by the symphony president.

Purchase of a corporate sponsorship package entitles your company to many other valuable perks such as complementary concert tickets and event passes for your staff and clients! Your support also extends your marketing reach here in PEI to a valuable target community. Please contact the for more information. We’ll send you a corporate sponsorship packet which details corporate benefit sponsorship opportunities.

Concert Sponsor $10,000 or more
Corporate Benefactor $1000 – $9,999